EXOMEGAINUP® is in biological form developed using a
proprietary Exome technology with excellent
bioavailability. This also facilitates rapid absorption via leaves, root system. EXOMEGAINUP® helps to enhance the soil quality by increasing the soil friendly microflora. Proprietary biological form of EXOMEGAINUP® helps in quick absorption and translocation of the nutrients from soil. EXOMEGAINUP® optimizes the quantity and quality of the plant growth hormones produced naturally in the plant.
- Positively influences the rate of seed and stalk formation.
- Helps in the production of auxins and other plant growth hormones.
- Stimulates root growth and new root formation.
- Improves the bioavailability of plant sugars for all key functions.
- Improves the seed and stalk maturation.
- Improves the absorption of nutrients which is vital to the plant.
0.5 ml to 2 ml per liter of water-basal/ foliar application.