
Time of applicationRecommendation
Soil Application
Add NEMARID 500ml + EXOME GAINUP® 500ml + CALRATNA® 500ml/acre
Starting stage MINBOOST® 1ml + EXOME SECURE® 1ml/litre of water
Vegetative stage MINBOOST® 2ml + EXOME GAINUP® 2ml + TELS-BV® 1ml/litre of water
Pollination stage TETRA POWER 2ml + EXOME HARVESTER® 2ml/litre of water
Maturity StageTETRAPOWER 2ml + CALRATNA® 2ml/litre of water
Development stageK-BIO® 2ml+ EXOME SECURE® 1ml/litre of water
If needed K-BIO® 3ml/litre of water
Little leaf symptom TELS-BV® 2ml + MINBOOST® 2ml/litre of water
Cucurbitaceae family crops like
bier gourd, snake gourd, ridge
gourd, ash gourd & bole gourd
virus symptoms
TELS-BV® 2ml/litre of water
Bhendi YVMV
(Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus) symptom
TELS-BV® 2ml + MINBOOST® 2ml/lire of water